Tag Archives: 1930s

Spooky Scary Skele-tunes

Anyone who’s ever seen a spooky scary skeleton rattle its bones or turn a friend into a xylophone knows that they are a jazzy bunch. After 10 years I’m thrilled to get some Jazz into the mix, but it’s not all dooting horns and startling shrilly screams – you’ll find many genres in this bone-nanza.

Here are 13 spine-tingling tracks to get your guests shaking their hip bones.

The Skeleton in the Closet – Louis Armstrong

Who better to strike up the band than Satchmo?

Rattlin’ Bones – The Preservation Hall Jazz Band

I heard these guys play while packed like a crawdad in a po’boy between the sweltering ramshackle walls of Preservation Hall in New Orleans.

Spooky, Scary Skeletons – Andrew Gold

The foundation stone of the Triple S tradition.

Skeleton Fight – Mack Allen Smith

Things escalate quickly in this odd-ball 60’s jam.

Graveyard Boogie – King Flamingo

You take your chances when you bring a date to the cemetery.

Nobody Likes You (When You’re Dead) – Zombina & The Skeletones

Don’t cremate, appreciate.

I’ve Got A Bone – Dan Bull

Apparently this is a Minecraft thing, I’m probably the last one to hear it, but I’m glad I did. I love the manic energy, brilliant word play, hilarious performance, driving synth and pitch-perfect theremin.

Do the Skeleton Scat! – The Wiggles

Do the Wiggles always kick this much ass? I think I’m a Wiggles fan now.

Cumbia de los Muertos – Ozomotli

If I get a chance to show some love for LA’s hometown heroes ‘Ozomotli’ I’m taking it.

Dead Man’s Bones – Dead Man’s Bones

Did you know that Ryan Gosling had a band? Did you know they’re spooky as hell?

Graveyard’s Full – The Growlers

This band’s sound is called ‘Beach Goth’. I don’t know if that’s an oxymoron, but I like it.

‘Taint No Sin – Lee Morse

This song may seem corny, but it gives me ‘Hellraiser’ flashbacks.

Skeleton Sam – LVCRFT

And finally, a little more saxo-bone and scare-emin to close this year’s list.

Click here to get my book ‘We Bleed Orange & Black: 31 Fun-sized Tales for Halloween’, including my Top Ten Tips for Becoming a Spooky Scary Skeleton.

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