Monthly Archives: April 2012

Short Sips 2 Now Available!

Short Sips Vol 2 from Pill Hill Press is now available in print from Amazon and Barnes & Noble.  It features many fine short horror stories, including my own ‘TOOTH AND BONE.’

This story was conceived in a dentist chair during a harrowing series of painful and bloody purification rituals.  I passed the rites and returned to my tribe inspired to write a horror story and find better dental insurance.

Recently, my lovely wife gave me a certificate for a professional massage.  Lying in a dark room, face down with a stranger, my mind wondered to the macabre as it is wont to do.  Tickling my mind was a particularly ghastly segment on a Discovery Channel show about parasites that can infest the human body.  As the stranger dug into my muscle and sinew a new idea began to take root in my brain.  I urge you, go see the dentist before reading my story.  And get a massage, you deserve it.  But do it soon.  Once I write my massage story you may not find them so relaxing.

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