Monthly Archives: August 2019

Me and The Boys

I wrote a superhero book.

Then I watched The Boys.

My first reaction: not happy.


There was a lot in common between the two, and The Boys was definitely the 800 pound gorilla of the pair.

My second reaction: joy!

billy butcher smile 2

I’ve had a hard time describing my book, settling on the phrase ‘Grimdark Superhero’. Now I know that there is an audience for this. Do you like The Boys? Then you will like my novel CRITERION.

The Boys feels bold and innovative, not just for its brutality and shock value, but because it takes its premise seriously. The heroes and villains are more complicated than they seem. The relationships are messy, and the consequences are real. Those are the stories I am interested in, and that’s what you will find in my book.

Criterion is the world’s mightiest hero.

His sidekicks just found his body.

When the Criterion Cadets are shattered by the death of their idol, they drop their brave and plucky façade and become consumed by strife and jealousy.

The only thing keeping them together is terror. Once protected from on high, they are now vulnerable and alone. Can they cover up Criterion’s death and avoid a global meltdown? What hope do they have against an enemy that can kill anyone?

Who killed Criterion? Who will die next?

CRITERION cover Edited

Try the first 10 chapters free

Hear an audio excerpt and notes on the book here

and buy it here


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